
The content provided on the Somnath Temple Trust Hotel website is for informational purposes only. While we strive to maintain accurate and up-to-date information, we do not guarantee that the website content is error-free, complete, or current. We make no representation or warranty regarding the accuracy, reliability, or availability of the content or services provided on the website.

We take every reasonable effort to ensure that the services offered meet the expectations of our guests; however, the hotel shall not be held responsible for any disruptions in service, delays, or inconveniences caused by external factors such as weather, technical issues, or force majeure events.

External websites linked on our site are for convenience only, and we do not control or endorse the content on these sites. Somnath Temple Trust Hotel is not responsible for the accuracy, legality, or content of these external sites and any use of them is at your own risk.

We also disclaim liability for any direct, indirect, or incidental damages resulting from the use of our website or the booking of services. We recommend that you verify all details regarding your booking or stay with us directly through our customer service channels.

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